an epiphany
a creed
a rite
a ritual
a shrine
a sanctuary
a poem
an ode
a tale
a play
a haiku

haiku onto tanka

Nothing is perfect
Perfection’s meaninglessness
No thing can be true
Being is impossible
Becoming yet to begin
Nothing, first “question”
A “rebuke” becomes meaning
Purposeness conceived
Meaning, seer of action
Awareness brings relevance
Nothing is no more
Logos administers time
Sacros soothes chaos
Change begets reality
Cosmos' answer to nothing
Imperfection is
Conditional perfection
Life transcendental
Nature compounds good action
Evolution reaps goodness
Perfection's decree
Unpurpose aborts meaning
Sacros without cause
Zoeros irrelevant
Nothing consumes everything

inspired by Meaning

 Please do not alter these texts or post elsewhere on the internet. 2012